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Pridružen/-a: 18.05. 2012, 19:47 Prispevkov: 747
Objavljeno: 01 Jun 2012 20:45 |
On je Kenyon Smith letnik 90, tekmoval je v Rimu leta 2008.
Pa še nekaj njegovih ekzibicij:
Jaz mislim, da je sinhrono plavanje nekaj vmes med športom in umetnostjo kot npr umetnostno drsanje. Osebno ne bi imela nič proti sinhronem plavanju v moškem sektorju. Zakaj pa ne?!
Moški so fizično močnejši. Spektakel in efekt v posameznih elementih bi prišel še toliko bolj do izraza, ker bi se v istem času prelivala fizična moč in eleganca. To bi bilo preprosto čudovito.
Nevem točno kje sem prebrala vendar če me spomin ne vara mislim, da trener Kenyon Smitha je bil Bill May.Tukaj nekaj o njemu in njegove ekzibicije:
Bill May
Bill May is an American synchronized swimmer. Performing primarily in duets, May won several national and international events. Because of his gender, May was not allowed to compete in the 2004 Summer Olympics.
Early career
May became interested in synchronized swimming when he was 10 years old while living in upstate New York after watching his sister in a beginning class. He explained why he became involved, "I did competitive swimming there and the synchro class was right after it, so we couldn't go home until she was done. It was either try it with her or sit outside the pool and watch her, so my mom told me to try it, just to be in the water and be doing something."
May began taking lessons and later performed with a local team, the Syracuse Synchro Cats. After the Synchro Cats disbanded, he performed with the Oswego Lakettes.
In 1996, at age 16, May moved to Santa Clara, California. He tried out for the Santa Clara Aquamaids, one of the top synchronized swimming programs in the United States, and was accepted into the junior A squad. May eventually was promoted to the Aquamaid's top "A" squad.
Teaming with partner Kristina Lum, May won the duet event at the 1998 US national championships. The pair then won the silver medal in the event at the 1998 Goodwill Games. Because May is male, he was barred from competing in the 1999 Pan American Games.
The International Swimming Federation (FINA) allowed May to compete in its sanctioned events. In 1999, May finished first in duet at the Swiss Open and French Open. He won the Grand Slam at the 2000 Jantzen Nations and was named the US Synchronized Swimming Athlete of the Year in 1998 and 1999.
A hopeful for the 2004 Summer Olympics, May was not allowed to compete after the United States Synchronized Swimming Federation (USSSF) declined to ask for inclusion of a mixed pairs event at the games. Said May, "It was a huge disappointment and it was very humbling. ... It's a political sport in that it's kind of like a clique at school."[3] Replied Ginny Jasontek, President of the USSSF, "We cannot allow men in a women's sport."
Later career
In 2008, May performed in Cirque du Soleil's water-based show, O. He was paid $100 for each performance.
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