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PLAVALKA že čisto domači

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2012, 13:47 Prispevkov: 116
Objavljeno: 02 Maj 2016 17:31 |
Moje medalje. Lepi spomini.
 _________________ We swim because we are too sexy for a sport that requires clothing!
Swimmers are like tea-bags:
you don't know how strong they are
till you put them in the water. |
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Master78 že čisto domači

Pridružen/-a: 08.07. 2012, 21:02 Prispevkov: 334
Objavljeno: 02 Maj 2016 18:52 |
Wooow, prevladujejo zlate. A prav vidim? Si mogla bit dobra. Bravo. Katere discipline si plavala? _________________ A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas.
G. H. Hardy |
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PLAVALKA že čisto domači

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2012, 13:47 Prispevkov: 116
Objavljeno: 05 Maj 2016 16:34 |
Master, prav vidiš. Pa recimo, da sem bla dobra. Mam 9 zlatih, 4 srebrne in 3 bronaste.
Uffff ... jaz sem bla čista šprinterka. Plavala sem 50/100 (kravl, delfin in hrbtno). _________________ We swim because we are too sexy for a sport that requires clothing!
Swimmers are like tea-bags:
you don't know how strong they are
till you put them in the water. |
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Master78 že čisto domači

Pridružen/-a: 08.07. 2012, 21:02 Prispevkov: 334
Objavljeno: 05 Maj 2016 21:32 |
Pol si bla eksplozivna plavalka. Zakaj si nehala plavat? _________________ A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas.
G. H. Hardy |
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